The 16-year-old boy’s immediately jumps in to rescue three girls and a police officer from a sinking car into a river

Although he didn’t seek recognition for his actions, the surprising events that unfolded afterward must have astonished him.

You don’t need a cape to be a hero. Sometimes, everyday people with the right skills who are in the right place at the right time do remarkable things.

The incredible tale of a Pascagoula teenager who quickly gained fame online perfectly exemplifies this. It all began with the unusual timing of a car sinking into the water.


At 2 a.m. on a Sunday, 16-year-old Corion Evans and a friend were jolted awake by the noise of a car plunging into the Pascagoula River.

Three teenagers were in the car when it sank into the Pascagoula River. The driver later told investigators that she was completely focused on the GPS when the vehicle went off the launch.

According to the investigation, authorities reported that the car floated about 20 feet from the shore before it started sinking. Evans told WLOX, “The vehicle went straight into the water without stopping. Only a small part of it was left above the surface.”

Corion Evans’ mom, Marquita speaking during an interview | Source: Youtube/23 ABC News

Evans sprang into action right away. He took off his shoes and stripped down to his waist before diving in. His friend, Karon “KJ” Bradley, followed him and assisted the girls in getting onto the roof of the car.

Evans concentrated solely on rescuing the girls, and he said that he couldn’t think about anything else during the ordeal.

View of the Pascagoula River | Source: Youtube/23 ABC News


Having been swimming since he was three, Evans was well-prepared for the situation on that Sunday morning. He explained that he was “staying behind them, focusing on keeping them afloat while swimming alongside them.”

Evans managed to get the girls back to shore while his friend KJ worked to get them off the car roof and onto solid ground. At some point, a first responder arrived.

Gary Mercer, a police officer from Moss Point, came to help. He was very kind and, thankfully, jumped into the water to assist.

Attempting to rescue someone from drowning is a dangerous endeavor that can easily go awry, as those in distress are often panicked and fighting for their lives.

When Mercer entered the water, he swallowed more than he could handle while trying to save one of the girls. This left him unable to swim effectively, and he soon found himself in trouble, struggling and calling for help. Hearing his cries, 16-year-old Evans immediately swam back to rescue him.

Evans told WLOX, “I had my back turned. The police officer was right in front of me, completely desperate. He was drowning and shouting, ‘Help!’ as he went under. I then made my way over, grabbed the officer, and swam him back to safety until I could stand again.” After the ordeal, everyone was taken to the hospital but survived with only minor injuries.

The Moss Point police department commended Evans for his outstanding bravery. Police Chief Brandon Ashley praised Evans for his “courage” and “selflessness,” noting that the girls might have died if Evans hadn’t stepped in.

On the day of the incident, Cora Watson took to social media to thank the man who saved her life “just before I was about to give up.”

During the rescue, Evans noted that the girls were throwing up due to the amount of water they had ingested. This meant Evans had to swim 25 yards while keeping them afloat to save both of them.

He remarked, “I was extremely fatigued from swimming. My legs were sore to the bone afterward. There could have been anything in the water, but I wasn’t thinking about that.”

Later that week, on Tuesday, Mayor Billy Knight and the Board of Aldermen honored Evans and Mercer with Certificates of Commendation during their regular city meeting. The Mayor also took to social media to express her pride in Evans. In a blog post, she wrote:

“When I saw Corion, he was completely focused on helping others, not on himself. He was dedicated to getting everyone out of the water. My heart goes out to him for risking his own life to save others.”

Ashley DeFlanders, a friend of Evans, set up a GoFundMe campaign in his honor. In the campaign description, DeFlanders mentioned that the funds would be used to help send Evans to college.

Supporters were quick to contribute. Although the goal was set at $75,000, the campaign had already surpassed $81,000 at the time of writing.


The public’s admiration for Evans was evident in the comments section. Here are a few examples:

“This young man is a true hero and an inspiration to his generation. He threw his phone aside and jumped in to help others without thinking of recording the event. This young man inspires us all!” — (@Stephani) on Twitter, July 9, 2022.

“Saved four lives and didn’t even think about his safety! It’s time to award this young man a full college scholarship!!” — (@Swnsasy) on July 10, 2022.

“Given everything he’s done, it’s hard to understand why he wasn’t given the opportunity for a brighter future. This brave young man is truly exceptional!” — (@Betty Kyte) on July 10, 2022.