Husband & wife who nearing retirement adopted 7 orphaned siblings in foster care after whose parents die in a car crash

When most of us see a heart touching story, we might discuss it and perhaps even share it on social media. However, few hours later we don’t tend to think more about it and move on. But this story is different with 50 years old Pam Williams. In 2019, Pam Willis saw a news story in Facebook about seven orphaned siblings in foster care in need of a forever family because they lost their parents in a 2018 car accident. The children had been in foster care for more than a year after their parents died in that accident. At that time, they were in age from 1 to 12. Adelino, 15, Rubby, 13, Aleecia, 9, Anthony, 8, Aubriella, 7, Leo, 5 and Xander, 4.

Credit: second.chance.7

Pam and her 53-year-old husband, Gary Willis were foster parents and they had raised their own five children, aged 20 to 32. However, they had never thought about adoption. Especially, they were nearing retirement. Ater hearing this news, she knew the kids needed to stay together in a stable home and she didn’t think twice to open her home to them. She was not knowing if her husband would feel the same. Luckily, they both felt it.

Credit: Oregon Right to Life

Though, there was thousands of calls from people to take the siblings, Willis family of California stepped in to give them a forever home. Pam and Gray knew that becoming parents to those seven kids wouldn’t be easy.

The couple learned that so much has been taken from children’s lives. The kids had also suffered major injuries in the crash. It is sadly true, they had to face with quite a bit of trauma even before the tragedy. Their previous home life hadn’t been good because their parents suffering from addiction and their homeless living. Because of their experiences, Pam is aware that the kids have difficulty trusting adults. They were anticipating their departure.

The 12-year-old Adelino, was caring for his younger siblings since he was about 6 years old. Adelino and Ruby took over the parent roles.  Pam said that “Ruby didn’t know how to be a kid.”

She added, “One night, my then 7-year-old came into our room.” I questioned her “Did you have a bad dream?” and she replied, “No, I just check that you were still be with us.”

Foe the next few months, the children adjusted to new lives by overcoming some obstacles. After some delay due to the Covid 19 pandemic, in August 2020, Pam and Gray finalized all seven of the kid’s adoption officially. After years, the family’s life has been completely changed and created new memories.

Pam called that “They have given us a second chance at parenting, we have given them a second Mom and Dad.” “They are our Second Chance 7.”

Their story went to famous after Willim’s oldest daughter posted a 15 second reel telling the couple’s life, their five biological children and eventually, newly added seven family members.