Parents adopt their son’s best friend, with 52 supporters attending the hearing to show their support

Rita Marlow and Seth Lentchner could hardly have imagined that they would adopt their son’s best friend, but circumstances left them with no other option.

When they learned that Nate, their son’s soccer teammate, had been forced out of his home, the Bensalem, Pennsylvania couple stepped in to help. He has now officially become their adopted son.

Around nine years ago, Rita and Seth met Nate, now 16, through soccer, which their son Zachary was involved in. It didn’t take long for the young boys to become close friends and their families to get to know each other.

Credit: Marie Marlow

As time went by, Rita and Seth became aware of the difficulties Nate’s family was facing. Every Friday, they would pick him up to spend the weekend with them. Over the years, Nate spent increasing amounts of time at their home as he grew older.

In 2016, during a soccer tournament, Rita and Seth received a call informing them that Nate had been removed from his home. They hoped to learn if they could keep him engaged in the sport despite the changes in his life.

Later that week, Nate’s caseworker reached out to them about the possibility of fostering him.

Rita shared on TODAY, “It wasn’t something we had ever considered. They mentioned they were asking because Nate wanted to move in with us.”

Credit: Marie Marlow

Rita first talked it over with her son, Zach. She explained that while Nate needed their help, it would mean sharing a bed with him. Zach had no objections and simply responded, “Absolutely.” He felt it was important to support Nate.

Rita initially felt anxious about their financial ability to support Nate and worried about letting him down. However, her concerns were soon alleviated as the community rallied around them. Other mothers from soccer practice, along with friends and family, stepped in to help in various ways, providing everything from gift cards to bunk beds.

Rita remarked that “everyone quickly stepped up” to support Nate, saying, “And that’s why I sound so cliché when I talk about ‘our community.’” Over the past five years, their home has been supported by many, not just by them alone.

Credit: Marie Marlow

When Nate was 13, he had been living with Rita and Seth for about a year and a half before he decided to make their home his permanent residence.

Rita explained that Nate chose to stay because “he felt at home here.” Despite the repeated setbacks and challenges during the reunification process with his birth mother, Nate was determined to finalize the adoption. The constant struggles seemed to hinder his progress, but his main concern was securing the adoption paperwork.

In November 2020, they received the long-awaited news: Nate was officially being adopted by his case manager. Rita said that Thanksgiving that year was the “best” they had ever experienced.

Then, in 2021, after 1,758 days, or nearly five years, in foster care, Nate officially became their son.

Initially, they were told that only six people could be present in the courtroom. To accommodate their family, Kari, JT, and Cameron made sacrifices. However, when Seth learned that there was no longer a restriction, he invited his soccer-playing relatives. On the day of Nate’s adoption hearing in Bucks County, fifty-two adults and children, all wearing matching blue shirts, showed up at the courthouse.

Credit: Marie Marlow

Rita described the moment when people began arriving: “As I faced the judge, his smile grew bigger with every new person who walked in.” Seeing so many people who cared about Nate that day was deeply moving.

Nedra McCormac, a fellow soccer parent, organized a surprise party for her children in the front yard, enlisting help from neighbors and friends. She also received donations from local businesses and neighbors, using them to decorate the yard and provide Nate with over $1,000 in gift cards.

Rita is grateful for everyone who has supported them from the start.

She reflected, “Having everyone there to share in this joy… It feels like everyone has been a part of this journey with us all along.”