Experiencing an overwhelming surge of surprise and joy, she was reunited with her biological dad and his family after 35 years

Alicia had quite a remarkable and emotional journey in connecting with her biological dad through 23andMe. Waiting for 108 days must have been filled with anticipation and excitement. It’s heartwarming despite not knowing each other for a long time because they were separated 34 years ago. Her real dad’s surprise suggests that the reunion was unexpected for him as well.

Facebook/Alicia Warren

Alicia’s dad had an adventurous and exciting time 35 years ago when he was 28. He enjoyed scuba diving with his brother and friends and traveling around the world. Their journey led them to Micronesia, specifically the island of Guam.

Alicia’s mom, who was in the Navy, met Alicia’s biological dad at a bar during their time in Guam. They had a great time together for a few weeks. However, the group Alicia’s dad was with had to leave, and after he departed, Alicia’s mom discovered she was pregnant. Unfortunately, there was no way for her to contact him at that time.

Alicia’s curiosity about her unknown father was like a puzzle waiting to be solved. Her blue eyes, olive skin, and ability to tan easily seemed like fragments of a genetic puzzle that didn’t quite fit into the familial picture.

In 2018 she joined 23andMe and after 108 days she reached out to the man through the 23andMe messaging system. It turned out that the man had also been searching for information about his biological family. They exchanged information and discovered that their DNA was 50 percent the same.

Facebook/Alicia Warren

Alicia felt the initial fear and anxiety about sending a message. She questioned whether she should have been more direct or if the carefully crafted message might have been misinterpreted. The support from her friends brought comfort, but it couldn’t fully alleviate her fear. As the wait continued, Alicia’s thoughts were, “What if the response was negative? What if her fears of rejection came true? What if it had unintended consequences on the other person’s life?”.

He took a day to reply and mentioned hiding where people could easily see him. I have known about him for a while, but he only recently became aware of my existence. His confusion and curiosity about my background and origins add an intriguing layer to the interaction.

Facebook/Alicia Warren

Alicia wrote a heartfelt and personal piece, sharing stories about herself and the special bond she shares with her mom, who serves in the Navy in Guam. She recounted the moments of their first meeting and the enjoyable times they’d had together. It’s heartwarming to hear that despite the initial delay due to the earthquake, Alicia and her biological dad, along with his wife and daughters, were able to establish a connection through FaceTime. Alicia had the opportunity to meet her biological dad’s two daughters, who then became her new sisters. The fact that Alicia liked them suggests that they formed a positive connection during their meeting in July.

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Alicia had a positive and open-hearted experience being part of something she values. She had a positive and warm reception from the new family and community. They embraced her with kindness, acceptance, and a sense of hospitality. They welcomed me into their family and community with open arms. When we first spoke on the phone, they asked me, “What is your hope with this?”. I was genuine and expressed my desire to get to know them, be friends, and possibly know their family. But if you dislike that, I understand. I know it’s a delicate situation for everyone. I am expressing gratitude for the opportunity to have a conversation.’”

Facebook/Alicia Warren

Alica said that I’m thankful for my biological dad because I had a positive experience with him who was welcoming and open to forming a connection with his family. Building friendships and being able to meet new family was meaningful and enriching for me.

Alicia said that the outcome may not always be a happy or positive one, as not all stories have a happy ending. However, the key is acknowledging that the journey begins with that first step, and the true outcome remains unknown until one takes the courage to initiate and explore new possibilities.

Facebook/Alicia Warren