Six years old little boy without arms who has a dream to be a detective is given guidance by an officer.

Harrison Humphries is six years old who lives in Georgia. He was born without arms or leg bones. But he has a dream to be a career in law enforcement.

Duluth Police Department veteran officer, Rolf Seiferheld and the mighty Harrison began a strong bond few months ago while they were on a downtown patrol. After that, the two have become best friends.

As 11 Alive reports, Harrison said to the officer that “I wanted to join a carier in law enforcement because I would be able to help others get well”.

Be kind and treat others how you want to be treated; this is why Seiferheld joined the police force. He encouraged the press to “treat them with the respect they deserve.”

There were similar perspectives of both individuals on the law. Then, officer Seiferheld decided to provide the young lad guidance and support to assist him to realizing his goals. Now, the two see one other on Fridays when the cop is on patrol in the downtown area and this is the highlight of their week. The officer is having a conversation with Harrison about what it’s like to be a police officer as Harrison is going through the officer’s equipment. Tara who is Harrison’s mother, is thanks always to the kind police officer for spending time to mentor her son and guide him toward realizing his ambition with his busy schedule.


Tara’s expressed her emotionas with 11 Alive News, “Many people will not take the time, or maybe they’re terrified.”

She claims that her son is a very motivated younger and that he almost succeeds with can do attitudes.

The doctors warned Tara and her husband that he would never be able to walk, feed and do anything else on his own because Harrison was born without arms and his hips, fibulas, and femurs.

He can do everything by himself; he only has to use his feet rather than his hands.


Tara said, “He washes his teeth, combs his hair, and attempts to get himself dressed.”

“He was dreamed  to work either as a private investigator or as the chief of police.”

His mother has a strong beleave that her son will achieve his goals as long as Seiferheld remains at his side,

She stated, “I believe this is a connection that can continue to develop into a partnership, which is what a community should be.”