Exploring the journey from friendship to marriage: How a single kiss transformed best friends into spouses

Indeed, the transition from best friends to romantic partners is a theme that resonates widely, both in the media and real life.

Olivia Zbihley, 25, shared her journey with Newsweek, from being best friends with her now husband to developing deeper feelings and eventually getting married. The video, posted in April, struck a chord with many viewers, accumulating over 2 million views and 169,000 likes.


“In a twist of fate, what started as a friendship blossomed into something more with a spontaneous kiss at a nightclub. Now, we decorate our new apartment together.”

“Seeing how things always seem to fall into place in the movies, I decided to take a chance and see where it would lead.” She added in the caption.

It’s always fascinating to hear how couples first met, especially during their college years. Northwestern University holds a special place in Olivia and Drew’s hearts, being the backdrop to where their love story began. Starting as classmates or maybe even friends, their connection deepened over time, leading them to where they are now.

Sharing the challenges and triumphs of studying chemistry together probably brought them closer, fostering a deep connection that eventually blossomed into something more.


Olivia’s memory of sharing stories about her college friends with her mom during Christmas break, and her mom’s teasing question about Drew having a crush on her after seeing his photo, adds a delightful touch to their story.

Olivia’s realization that she only saw Drew as a good friend for years despite growing closer during college is a common experience in many friendships that eventually evolve into romantic relationships.

“We’ve always maintained a platonic relationship,” she explained, noting her admiration for his virtues such as his respectful nature, intelligence, sense of humor, kindness, and ambition.

However, it wasn’t until their last year of college that she began to see him in a different light, with her feelings for him starting to change.


That one night in Chicago marked the pivotal moment when Olivia and Drew transitioned from best friends to romantic partners.

While enjoying a night out with friends at a nightclub, Olivia took the initiative, a bold move that Drew appreciated. He was grateful for her initiative, as he didn’t want to risk their cherished friendship.

Once Olivia and Drew took that pivotal step from friendship to romance, their relationship transformed irreversibly.

As Olivia aptly put it, “And from that moment on, everything fell into place.”

It’s truly remarkable for Olivia to reflect on the journey they’ve taken together, from that memorable night in Chicago to celebrating their second wedding anniversary in July.


For Olivia and Drew, getting married didn’t feel like a dramatic change; it was a natural evolution of their relationship. They appreciated the ease of progressing their connection without the uncertainties of dating. Their friendship has deepened since they tied the knot.

“All the qualities I admired in college have only matured and deepened since then,” Olivia expressed. Additionally, she emphasized their ability to engage in open and honest conversations about any subject, regardless of how challenging or uncomfortable it may be.

Olivia believes that the long-standing foundation of friendship between them has greatly enhanced their love and comprehension of each other.

Olivia shared that they’ve navigated life’s ups and downs together, from their college years to enduring breakups and family losses side by side.

Now, they’re embracing two new experiences: unexpectedly going viral on TikTok and embarking on the adventure of decorating their apartment together.


Is it good to initiate a romantic relationship with someone you’ve been friends with first?

According to AskMen, being “friend-zoned” doesn’t necessarily signal the end of a potential romance. Starting a relationship as friends can have its advantages, including improved communication and genuine connections.

Dating expert Shannon Fish emphasizes that romantic relationships require qualities such as respect, trust, honesty, and loyalty — all of which are commonly found in friendships.

Starting as friends provides a foundation for feelings to develop naturally, free from pressure or unrealistic expectations.

This approach fosters a relaxed atmosphere for the relationship to grow, allowing for meaningful conversations and shared interests without the burden of heightened emotions.


Dr. Krista Jordan suggests that beginning a relationship as friends can help mitigate intense initial emotions, allowing for a more objective assessment similar to a job evaluation.

Building a romantic relationship on a foundation of friendship fosters authenticity and cultivates a deeper connection between partners.

Effective communication, established early in the friendship, proves invaluable in navigating future challenges together.

Shannon Fish emphasizes that communication between friends is inherently natural and devoid of the anxieties often associated with dating, allowing for a comfortable and open exchange of thoughts and feelings.

Transitioning from best friends to lovers establishes a bedrock of mutual respect, which Fish considers essential for relationship growth.

Fish suggests that since mistreating a friend would be unthinkable, there’s an expectation of similar treatment when exploring romance, offering a sense of reassurance in today’s challenging dating landscape.

Moreover, dating a friend bypasses the nerve-wracking first-date jitters, according to Fish.


Knowing and liking your date beforehand can indeed make the experience more relaxed and enjoyable.

Dr. Jordan highlights that introducing a partner to your social circle becomes much easier when you’re already friends.

By starting a romantic relationship from a foundation of friendship, you can bypass the typical waiting period and quickly assess whether your friends and family approve of your partner.

Check out Olivia’s TikTok video which gained a lot of attention, where she talks about how she and her husband went from being best friends to romantic partners.

@livzbihley It always works out in the movies so I figured I’d shoot my shot 🤷🏻‍♀️ #relationships #friendstoloverstrope ♬ Where'd All the Time Go? – Dr. Dog