A kind hearted man invited 89-year-old neighbor to move in with him

Sometimes, it can be so hard to live with our neighbor. They may reject your invitation to spend time together you feel that they’re always in your business instead of wanting to be your friend. However, the thing that God has called us to love our neighbors, hasn’t changed.

Chris Salvatore moved in next door to Norma Cook, an 89-year-old woman. Cook lived alone with her beloved cat, Hermes. They became great friends quickly as a results of their usually exchanged greetings.

In a day, Salvatore who a 31-year-old actor, requested Norma to join in with him. She was in the end of her life. So when her health rapidly declined, Salvatore stepped in to take care of his granny.

When was the last time you met a new neighbor? Nextdoor is a great place for acquainting yourself with your community. You have countless opportunities to meet your neighbors by sending a note, inviting them for a dinner or attending a community event.

See how Salvatore introduced himself.

For years the pair lived in the same apartment complex but during a hospital visit, doctors didn’t permitted her to return home unless she had 24-hour care. In reality, she felt at a loss without her own children or relatives nearby.

Salvatore immediately turned to a GoFundMe campaign for Cook with the help of internet. He felt that needed to do more when his two best buddies put a few caretakers to the test.

He told today “Her only option was to go into a facility,”. He continued “I just couldn’t do that to someone who came to my grandmother.”

His apartment was the only place where she wants to carry out the rest of her days.

Cook moved in bringing along her Hermes. Salvatore would cook for her and the they would spend time together watching the news, talking, drinking Champagne and eating peanuts. Though the doctors had told them it would be a miracle, the two were able to share a few more precious months.

When Cook finally died away on 15th February, 2017, Salvatore was heartbroken. Salvatore shared the heartbreaking news on Instagram, where he usually recorded the couple’s travels.

Salvatore referred to Cook as “the grandchild she never had.”

They would spend lots of time together, coming to think of each other as grandmother and grandson.

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